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Joined: 4 years ago
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I had my skin graft procedure done 2 years ago. Today, while cleaning, I cut my arm where the graft is and it started to bleed. The cut is about an inch or two long and very thin. Has anyone ever cut their grafted area? Will it heal or will it just remain open and bleed for eternity? 

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 43

Hi TerryG314,

I have had minor cuts on my grafted areas and they have healed no problem… so hopefully it will be the same for you.  Keep an eye on it and if it gets hot or inflamed then seek medical attention but hopefully it will heal like normal.  Fingers crossed and let us know what happens.  


sara.m.k reacted
Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 0

@polski hello! just wondering if this differs from person to person as i am the same and assumed its just how it is for all skin types? but im very pale and fair naturally, so i wonder if darker tones are different?

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 43

Posted by: @terrig314

I had my skin graft procedure done 2 years ago. Today, while cleaning, I cut my arm where the graft is and it started to bleed. The cut is about an inch or two long and very thin. Has anyone ever cut their grafted area? Will it heal or will it just remain open and bleed for eternity? 


Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 43

Hi Terri, sorry to hear you have cut your grafted skin.  I have cut my grafted skin from time to time and it has always healed no problem but if it becomes enflamed or hot then it might be worth visiting your GP to check for any infections.  Otherwise, I would treat it like any other cut.  Unfortunately, for a few years post burn your skin is more fragile. It does toughen up over time but mine are still a bit more fragile and thin that my unburned skin after 21 years.  That said I don’t suffer too much from healing the smaller normal day to day cuts that occur.  I hope yours heals well.  Best wishes,
