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New member advice

8 Posts
4 Users
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 2
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Hi there

I burnt my hand whilst cooking on some boiling oil about 3 weeks ago. I’m going to the docs every week to get my dressing changed and my burn still seems very red and raw as it was a deep burn. I’ve never burnt myself before and have been feeling really anxious – especially on the days of my doctors appointment. I’m mainly worried that my hand won’t heal (even though i’m showing no signs of infection).

Has anybody else felt this? Can you offer any advice on how long is usual for a deep burn to be bandaged up for?

thank you

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 43

Hi Gbrad,

Sorry to hear that you have burned your hand. Oil unfortunately gives the deepest burns.  I am not a doctor but a burn survivor but in time your hand will definitely heal in but it can take many weeks for it to be fully healed.  It sounds like you are doing the right thing in having regular dressing changes and be sure to watch out for signs of redness, burning and heat for infection.  You can take pain relief and eat lots of protein to help with the skins regrowth but the cells tend to heal from the outside in and unfortunately it does take time.

Keep in touch and make sure you keep the bandaging dry and clean.  Keep positive and once the skin is healed moisturise it well to keep the scarring smooth and as flexible as possible.  Best wishes,

Joined: 4 years ago
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Thanks so much for your reply 🙂 I didn’t know protein was good for healing so i’ll make sure to incorporate as much into my diet as possible

Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 4

Im not so techie , i dont even know how to create a post.  Im sorry if i am replying to the original post of Gbrad.  

I am new here and need some advice.  I had accident with boiling liquid 10 days ago and I wasnt able to administer first aid which was to run in cool water.  I did placed some cooling agent , but the skin did blistered by the end of the day. So after removing the cooling agent, i put wrong meds which was Terramycin (i thought it was Neosporin i was quite panicky and just applied after seeing my blistered skin).  It became worse, felt hot and pained so went to the ER. They gave me 2 tetanus shots and popped my blisters, gave me flammazine silver sulfadiazine to reapply and instructed me to change wet-to-dry bandage twice a day. 

Fast forward today , its my 11th day, no more blisters , still very red, still got some parts where the wound is still fresh , no scabs (cause its wet-to-dry bandage) and im not sure the skin is thick enough like normal. 

My question is , for second degree burn like mine, how long should i keep this bandaged with wet-to-dry dressing and apply flammazine? Is it safe to apply flammazine for more than 10 days and for how long should I? 

I dont mind the color changes, but when will my skin return to be thick enough like normal, should i not bandage this for my wounds to heal and form scabs?


thanks in advance..

Member Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 16

Hi JJcool

Sorry to hear about your burn injury.  I’m part of the ABSUK Admin team and although we are not medical and cannot give medical advice, I can try to point you in the right direction.   From your post, I’m unable to tell the size of your burn or whether it has healed.   I would suggest you contact your GP or dial 111 to get some medical advice/answers to your questions.   

Be sure to watch for signs of infection like redness, burning or hot to the touch – you should try to be seen by a medical professional if you notice any of these symptoms.  If you’re unable to get a quick GP appointment, then you could go back to A&E.  

Hope this helps.

Take care,


Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 4

Thank u jennf for reply 

Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 4

Jennf, im so scared i wont be able to stretch my burnt skin anymore , arm area,its my 15th day from accident . Is it normal to be restricted now ?

Member Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 16

Hi Jjcool

I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling anxious.  From what you are saying, I would encourage to seek medical advice.   If you reside outside of the UK, then please contact your doctor or go back to the ER where you received treatment.  It is better to have it looked at by a medical professional who is best placed to advise you regarding your burn injury and treatment options.   

You will feel less worried if you seek a medical opinion as soon as you can.  

Take care,

