Welcome to the Adult Burn Support UK (ABSUK) forum

Our forum is free and provides a safe place for adult burn survivors to connect and support each other by discussing and sharing their personal experiences of burns related issues.  It’s easy to use: simply browse the ‘recent topics’ listed in each category to see what’s being talked about.  You can post, comment or reply by clicking an existing topic or if you can’t find what you’re looking for, start a new topic by clicking into a category, click add topic, name it and type your message.  You need to be registered to use our forum so please register or login

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New and kind of sca…
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New and kind of scared…

3 Posts
3 Users
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1
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I’m 24 years old and have been living with my burns for 22 years. I was burned by a family member in a bath (20% on my legs) and they went to jail for it. I’ve struggled to cope and accept my burns for all of my life, have depression and anxiety and maybe autism. I recently found someone who accepted me for who I am and what I have but now they’re pulling away and I’m so crushed. I was on the right track but now they’re slipping away I don’t know if I can. I’m trying to find therapy sessions but they’re so expensive it’s hard to want to do it. I don’t know what to do.

Member Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 16

Hi Ny,

I am sorry to hear you’ve been struggling physically and emotionally for so long – it is a lot for anyone to deal with.  You should know you are not alone and many burn survivors struggle mentally and physically.  I’m part of a small team here at ABSUK and as we are not medical, we are unable to give you medical advice but we can signpost you to information and resources available that you may find useful.  

It is great you are reaching out for help.   If, at any time, you are feeling overwhelmed or just need to talk to someone, the Samaritans are available to speak with you 24hrs a day, 7 days a week and you can call them for free on 116 123.  

It may be a good idea to contact your local GP to discuss some of your concerns and seek advice on options available to you for emotional support and reassessment by a burn service.  You may be able to self-refer for counselling through the NHS.  In some parts of the UK, patients may self-refer as part of NHS IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies).  You can find a link to more information on IAPT on this website in the Support Services, Emotional Wellbeing, Psychological Support section. 

Every Wednesday 7.30pm-9.00pm (UK time), on this website, we host an online burn support Live Chat where burn survivors or anyone affected by burns, can share experiences, discuss burn-related concerns and mutually support each other.  If you’re interested in joining the chat, as you’ve already registered, you can login any Wednesday evening, click the blue ‘Live Chat’ button on the homepage and then click the ‘join live chat’ button anytime between 7.30pm & 9.00pm.

It is important to take things one day at a time but you have taken the first and hardest step which is to reach out for some help.  I will send you an email separate to this post with this information and more.  We hope to see you on the online live chat soon.  

Take care,


ABSUK Team member

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 17

Hi Ny.  I am so sorry to hear what you have gone through.  Just by reading your post; you are very strong, as you have reached out and this can sometimes be a hard thing to do.  We sometimes do not see our strength but others do.  I was burned in a gas explosion when I was 13 years old, whilst on holiday in Spain and although not the same thing; have been dealing with the Spanish court system for nearly 36 years. My gran and her friend were killed in the explosion and my cousin and I were severely burned.  Jennf has given great advice on where you can get additional support and the live chat is great; I try to get on there every week.  You can be as involved as you want, so there is no pressure to involve yourself in the chat, you can just sit back and watch the chat if you prefer.  I have a website and YouTube channel, which you might find helpful, you will find the details and my story under:  “Burn Survivors, Shell’s Story”.  Never feel that you are alone.  You have found us and that’s great.  We are all here for each other.  Hang in there and take care for now.  Shell.
