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Burn victim

4 Posts
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Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1
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Hi I’m new to this I recently burnt my leg with a hot water bottle that burst on my leg it’s been 5 months now it’s healed really well but still badly scarred, had an appointment at the doctors been told that it won’t fade, I’m devastated with this news and would love some advice on what to use or do to make it fade, also I would like to hear other people’s experience and some reassurance that it will fade, people that have been through something similar and there burns have faded.. thanks in advance x

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 43

Hi Tasneem,

Thanks for your message and sorry to hear that you had a burn injury from a hot water bottle.  My grandmother had the same injury on her chest.  Scars do fade over time and there are things you can do to help it fade – wear pressure garments and laser treatment also can help.  I was burned 17 years ago and my scarring is pale now but you can still see it if you look… but you do get used to the new you in time.. it does all take time unfortunately though so be patient and kind to yourself… there are skin camouflage make up you can use but most people use it on their face but if you are very self conscious then it might be worth a try to blend it in.  Is the scarring hypertrophic (raised and lumpy) or smooth?


Member Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 16

Hi Tasneem,

I’m part of the Adult Burn Support UK team and we have a weekly online burn support Live Chat every Wednesday evening 7.30-9.00pm (UK time) on this website.   It provides a private space where burn survivors can ask questions, share experiences and talk about burn related topics.  You could join the live chat any Wednesday evening to ask questions and speak with other burn survivors about their experiences.   You have already registered with us so if you are interested in joining the live chat, login Wednesday evening, click the Live Chat button at the top of the page to go to the live chat page and then click ‘join live chat’.

Hope to see you there.



Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 17

Hi Tasneem

Sorry to hear of your burn injury.  Polski gave great advice.  I was burned 36 years ago and my scars have faded a great deal since I was first burned.  As Polski said though, it does take time, so yeah, be kind to yourself.   Please be assured that things will get better.  Would be great to hear from you on the online chat; I always have a great chat on there.  Take care for now.  Shell x
