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Tissue expanders
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Tissue expanders

3 Posts
2 Users
Joined: 6 years ago
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I recently had tissue expanders put in to help with my hair loss, however they got infected and I had to have them removed early. They managed to shrink the bald area by a bit, but I’ve noticed some more bald patches in places where there wasn’t really before, and some of my hair is finding it hard to grow back. I have the possibility of being able to have more tissue expanders put in again in about 6 months, but can’t decide if I want to yet. Has anyone else had them, and have any good/bad views on them?

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 9

I had scalp tissue expanders in for nearly 12 months in total. My hair loss was just at the front around my fringe area.

Initially, the plan was to do both sides at the same time, but 1 of the expanders broke through my skin and had to be removed and replaced later when the remaining expander was removed. So I had 3 expanders in total over that time. So it sometimes happens and is just unfortunate. 

At times, I found it incredibly painful due to the tension on my scalp but I think it was absolutely worth the pain and discomfort of having them in. My hairline isn’t perfect, but I’m so much happier now I’ve had them done. Sometimes I do have the odd bald spot that shows but this is mostly due to the way my hair has parted when I tie it back. Overall, I think it was worth it. 

Joined: 6 years ago
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Oh ok, thank you. I keep changing my mind now over whether I want them put in again or not, I feel in some ways that it looks worse now than it did before :/

