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sustained burn from hot water bottle yesterday advice

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Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 1
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hi i sustained burn yesterday after my hot water bottle popped 🙁 i’m devastated thankfully could have been alot worse. i’m a doctor but not much experience with burns i am seeing the speicialist on monday. the ed doctor said appears to be 2% burn superficial. my forearm is affected as is my bottom left buttock area 8cmx6cm approx i went to see nurse today and she changed the dressing. she deroofed the blisters and there is alot of pink healthy skin which i imagine to be a good sign. i’m flying out to thailand thursday i will def stay away from water and my arm and bottom with be covered. just feeling very down at the moment maybe feeling sorry for myself. my arm hurts and it was quite a shock seeing it today as yesterday it didnt appear so bad. i know it will take time to heal and my boyfriend is very supportive. im just worried about scarring. any advice about this? any tips on what to apply after new skin start appearing? also how long to wait to shower? 

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 43

Hi Harps123 – sorry to hear about your burn… that is very painful and they do look nasty for a while… If they are superficial I would make sure you keep them out of the sun and keep them dry.  Hopefully they will not scar and in time will fade so you can hardly see them.  Once the skin is healed a nice simple cream like aqueous cream or E45 is good.  How long did the nurses say to leave your dressings on for?   

Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 1

Sorry to hear about your accident. Flamigel might be something you want to try. It is obtainable at every pharmacy without prescription.
