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Pain- years later?

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Hey guys, I had a scolding accident when I was 9 months old (I am now 38). My scars are down my left chest and arm. I had loads of operations when I was younger. My question is… is it normal for it too be so painful and weak? It constantly feels tight and like I have pulled a muscle? It’s stopping me from being as active as I would like to be because one false move and I’m out of action for days 😔 

This topic was modified 4 months ago by MrsHearn

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Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 16

Hi MrsHearn,

Thanks for posting on the ABSUK forum.  Sorry to hear about your pain and weakness as well as tightness in your scars.  I’m part of the ABSUK & Dan’s Fund For Burns team and I’m not medical so can’t give any medical advice.   From what you’ve said, it sounds like you may not have had any treatment for your burns in years.  From other burn survivors, I know they can experience tightness and pain and it can change over time but also temperature outside etc.   

One suggestion I would make is, if you are no longer associated with a burn service, speak to your GP about a referral to a burn service for a reassessment of your scars.   There has been so many advances in the treatment of burns and scars, it would be worth having it looked at by a burns team to see what options may be available to you to reduce pain, increase mobility and make you feel stronger.   

We do a weekly online burn support live chat on this website every Wednesday evening 7.30-9.00pm (UK time) which provides an opportunity for burn survivors or anyone affected by burns to come online to ask questions, share experiences and support each other.  If you’d like to join one Wednesday to ask other burn survivors whether they experience what you have described, you can just login to this site and then go to the live chat page and click ‘join live chat’ anytime between 7.30pm and 9pm.  

Hope this information helps.

Best wishes,

