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Graft appearance

6 Posts
4 Users
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 9
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Just had my first (1 week) check-up after my neck release using full thickness skin graft. Donor site is a 5 inch straight scar across my tummy. Everything is going perfectly at this point and I can already see a huge difference.  

They are however bright red and angry looking. I can barely remember having my original grafts or skin plasters as I think I think of them.

When does the colour start to calm down and be less noticeable?



Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 43

Hiya… Beth I had a z plasty op 9 months ago and more recently… its interesting that some of the scars are already nearly not noticeable yet others are still really red.  My arms seem to scar less than my stomach and side… not much help I know.. but I reckon realistically the scarring looks a lot better by 6 months.. and then it fades slowly over time… but if you are anything like me when I get hot it is more obvious and when I am cold as they show red or blue depending on my body temperature!  Glad to hear it is healing well though

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Thanks for you reply, Polski. I guess it’s just taken me a little bit by surprise of how angry it currently looks. It’s been years since I’ve had any grafts as I’ve so much other reconstruction. 

I had an unusual large neck graft so it’s very obvious and right across my throat. I’ve got a neck splint for at least the next 2-3 weeks and then it hopefully will be scarf weather. 



Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 43

Hi Beth, sorry for the late reply – hope the neck is coming along nicely. It will take a while to calm down I guess. Hope the neck splint isn’t too uncomfortable? Is it off yet? Soon maybe?

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 17

Hi…its 34 years since my “injury” and still my skin gets very red in the heat and “blue” when I am cold…I think of it as my skin’s own weather forecast…lol. Hope yous are healing well. Xx

Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 7
Posted by: Shell

Hi…its 34 years since my “injury” and still my skin gets very red in the heat and “blue” when I am cold…I think of it as my skin’s own weather forecast…lol. Hope yous are healing well. Xx

Its 45 years since I was burnt, my scars still are red or white depending on the weather, like you, and cold to the touch where the skin is much thicker, like on my chest. I don’t think this will ever change for me. 
