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Hello, I’m new here. I was burned in a house fire 15 years ago (67% burns) and I’ve not had any checkups for approx 7 years now, should I be having checkups again now (obviously everything halted during covid), I was of the understanding it was sort of a lifetime thing….?

Member Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 16

Hi Andrea74,

Thanks for posting on our message board. I am part of the team at Adult Burn Support UK.  From what you’ve posted, it may be worth contacting your burn service to check what the position is especially if you’re experiencing anything you feel may need checking.  It could be that you have been fully discharged if your burns team felt there wasn’t anything further needed.  However, with 67% burns, if you’re experiencing tightness, mobility issues or anything you think could be improved, it would be a good idea to contact the burn service where you were treated and confirm the position.  

I am not medical so it would be a good idea to seek an opinion from burn professionals.  If the burn service said you have been discharged and you feel you’d like to have things checked out, then contact your GP and ask for a referral back to the burn service for a reassessment of your scars/burns.  

Hope this information helps.  

Best wishes,

