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Best Sun Cream for …
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Best Sun Cream for burn area

3 Posts
3 Users
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 1
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Hi All

New here. 

I wanted to ask what sun cream people recommend for the burn area 

I’ve been told to wear factor 50 and wondered what was the best hypoallergenic product was




Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 43

Hi Chris… I have always just used the Boots brand Sultan and personally prefer the clear sprays…. best to try and keep out of the sun as much as possible for the first 2 years til the skin toughens up a bit… 

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 17

Hi Chris. 

If the burn is relatively new, as suggested before, it is advisable to stay out of the sun for the first two years.  It can be hard to stay completely out of the sun all the time, therefore, I would suggest a total sunblock (I was prescribed one by my GP in the early years).  After a couple of years, I would still use a high factor.  I too would use a spray, as it is easier to apply, especially hard to reach places.  Another suggestion would be to use a kids sunscreen.  Hope this helps. 

