Welcome to the Adult Burn Support UK (ABSUK) forum

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Advice needed pleas…
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Advice needed please

6 Posts
5 Users
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1
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Good evening everyone,

I got 2nd degree partial thickness burns on my lower right leg from a hot water bottle that burst.  After initial assessment and dressing change I was rushed back to hospital with nausea, and leg swelling 3 days after injury, A&E Dr said possible blood clot (doppler showed all clear) or infection.  When I was moved to another department I was told it was neither just fluid buildup from the injury no anti biotics given.  Has this been other people’s experience also.  I either elevate or move as much as possible and presently my swelling is getting worse.  Any advice greatfully received 

Member Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 16

Hi Servalan,

Thanks for posting on our forum.  I’m part of the Admin team here at Adult Burn Support UK.  Sorry to hear about your burn injury.  I am not medical so unable to give you medical advice.   From your post it seems your injury is quite recent and I would suggest you seek medical advice through your nearest burns unit or where you have been treated so far for the burn injury.   Also monitor yourself for any other symptoms like fever, or the skin feeling hot to the touch, this could suggest an infection and would require medical attention.

Our weekly online burn support live chat is available every Wednesday evening, 7.30-9pm (click the blue live chat button for more information).   Our moderators are burn survivors so you can join to ask questions, share experiences and discuss concerns you’re having in relation to your burns.   As it’s March 2nd, the first Wednesday of the month, the chat will be online from 7.30-8.15pm followed by a Zoom from 8.15-9pm.  If you’re interested in joining either tonight, just login as usual and then go to the live chat page and click ‘join live chat’.   

Hope things improve with your leg and we wish you well in your recovery. 

Best wishes,

(Adult Burn Support UK & Dan’s Fund For Burns)

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 43

Dear Servalan,

When I was first burned, I blew up like a marshmallow. It is common for fluid build up in the early days but this does disappear over a few days.  If you are worried and it has not gone down then I would go back to your burns unit for a check up.  I hope things are improving for you now.  

Best wishes,



Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1

You should always seek advice from a medical professional if your burn is new as the admin team mentioned above. Apart from that you did the right thing reaching out to seek advice. Personally I would like to know how you got on.

Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 1

Hi, i need treatment for burns properly. Anyone know anything to cure scars completely?

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 43

Hi Sumaya,

Thanks for your message – as far as I am aware there is unfortunately no way to completely get rid of your scars but there are quite a few ways to improve the look of them – lasering, micro-needling, massaging, skin camouflage products amongst them.  As a burn survivor myself of 20+ years the skin does soften over time and the scars fade in colour but it very much depends on your skin tone, how deep the burns were, where they are on your body etc.   Have you sought any advice from the medical profession of what can be done? 

