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I got burnt August Last year to my face, arms and hands. I was told to keep out of the sun for 2 years. I would like some ideas on activities we can do indoors (me and my wife).

Thanks, would be grateful for anything!!


Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 43

Hi Csn,

Sorry to hear of your injuries and you are right to keep out of the sun for a couple of years to protect your new skin – however, you can sit and enjoy the weather in the shade.  In terms of activities indoors, off the top of my head maybe puzzles and art might help if your hands are injured (depends how badly).. there is an online chat you can access on wed nights from 7.30-9pm to meet other burn survivors – there are also a few facebook burn support groups who you could reach out to.  Yoga is a great indoor exercise for stretching burned and scarred skin  – you can find free classes on youtube and instagram…. why don’t you join the chat tonight or next week and ask others for ideas? 

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 17

Hi Csn

Sorry to hear of your burn injury.  I am 36 years burned (was in a gas explosion at the age of 13).  I agree with what polski has said…you can still enjoy being outside safely (as long as you protect your skin, i.e., being in the shade, wearing protective clothing, very high factor sunscreen).  Regarding activities, again, polski has given some great ideas.  When I was first burned and had to stay in, I thought of what I really enjoyed doing or what I would like to learn.  I done a lot of writing; short stories and I also enjoyed colouring-in (there are lots of great adult colouring-in books, very good for your mental health too).  Does you and your wife like board games?  You could maybe learn something together; a language, dance?  It’s great that we now have the internet, as there is SO much out there that we can access without leaving our own home (internet was not even thought of when I was first burned…lol).  As polski says, the live chat is great, I try to get on there every week; you can say as much or as little as you like, so there is no pressure at all.  I do have a YouTube channel and website that you might find very helpful, you will find my story and details of these under:  “Burn Survivor’s – Shell’s Story”.  Hope this has helped.   Take care for now.
