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Popular culture and Burns.

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Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 7
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Ok , this might not be the right place to post this but I feel its the relationship with the general public. Right this is something I have been thinking about for many years. 

If you want someone to be evil in TV and Film the quick short cut is to give them scars …and burns are the best !  and over the year I think that has made our lives more difficult ..it is almost like a Its a evil stamp. (and I don’t thing any of you are evil)

Lets name a few.

Darth Vader

Tony Montana – “Scarface”

Freddy Krueger I been called Freddy a few times. 

The Joker

Dr. Poison – “Wonder Woman”

Kylo Ren StarwarsScar – “The Lion King”

Thats just a few. Even Doctor who and Merlin on BBC 1 Saturday night often uses this short cut. 

Now I just wondered what people thought ? can you name others ? 

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 43

Hi Mark,

What you are saying is true and something that Face Equality has been fighting against quite actively – Bond Villains often have scars and there was situation with Moshi Monsters having a scarred baddy in it too… lots of campaigning needed and not sure if it will do any good as the Movie world is only focused on the money!!. I also don’t think anyone with scars are baddies.. in fact they are bad ass warriors, surviving when many wouldn’t have!!

