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Laser treatment

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hi, I just wanted to share my experience so far with laser treatment. I have 60% burns – 40% full thickness, they are as a result from severe scalding in a bath 20 years ago. I am in a lot of pain daily as my entire back is scarred which pulls my back out of place and that I turn pulls my hips out resulting in severe pain not just when standing and walking but on bad days I am in pain sitting and laying down. In recent years I have had 3 lots of laser treatment, 2 rounds of laser on my chest 2-3 years ago and then April of this year I had the 1st round of laser on my back, I’m awaiting a 2nd round of laser on my back, hopefully in the next 2-3 months. As my scarring is very old and bumpy the laser treatment hasn’t improved the appearance, however because the laser improves the stretchiness of the scarring it has reduced the amount of pain I am in with my hips. The next round of laser treatment they are going to particularly focus on the tight areas that particularly pull on my hips, rather than the whole back. I will keep you posted on how it goes when I have the treatment. For anyone awaiting laser treatment, so far for me it has been a day surgery, so I’ve come home on that day and although I was told that the initial recovery time is 5 days, realistically I’d allow 2 weeks as it depends on the depth/intensity they use and it can really drain your energy. I hope this is helpful. 🙂

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Posts: 43

Hi.. I am really interested in your post as I also have scarring on my back and left side and it is pulling out my left hip and causing lower back pain and pain deep in my hip.  I have been having z plasty releases to help lengthen my tightened left side but I hadn’t thought of laser as an option.  Thanks.  Please let me know how you get on.  Thanks

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Hi  I have had 9 sessions of laser with great results, but now feel it is not having much affect, my hospital asked me to trial a new laser ( which the private clinics use in Harley Street) they wanted to concentrate on my tight bands on my neck and also between my thumb and first finger and I was amazed at the difference I now have more movement to both areas after just 1 treatment, I had to have the normal numbing cream plus some local injection, so it looks like laser is getting even better for the future

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@dawn17 – which hospital are you being treated at? 

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Hi, hope it continues to help.   My son has had recent burns and laser is a likely next option for him.  He is clearly worried about how much it might hurt and I wondered how you would describe it?  I also wondered why you felt the recovery time needed was so much longer than I imagined it would be.  I am trying to encourage him along.

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treatment is Broomfield Hospital

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Hi Bel  before Laser I put a numbing cream on,  I dont find it painful , I have both pulse dye laser and C02 it feels a bit like a elastic band flicking the skin with one (cant remember which is which ) the other a intense heat feels a bit like a tiny electric shock, but they a put ice pack on it which soothes it straightaway.  The healing time is around 5-10 days,   you will see tiny dot marks which will scab over a few days later, for me after 5 days I can wear make-up and scabs are usually gone by day 7 or 8 they are so tiny you can hardly see them, there will also be redness but again it goes down very quickly 

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Hi Dawn 17 I am going to be having CO2 laser treatment soon. I have read it removes the top layer of skin on the scar. This sounds different to having tiny pinpoint scabs as described. I am getting quite worried about it. My treatment area is my abdomen and my right breast rather than my face. 
